Monday 20 November 2017

4 Handy Tips for Running a Successful Takeaway Ordering System

Setting up Takeaway Ordering System has become as an integral part of setting up a restaurant business. Having your own website is not enough to start taking online orders. With the staggering amount of competition and owing to the less barriers of entity, there is much possibility that your takeaway gets be lost among the sea of discounts offered by other takeaway businesses. However, offering discounts in not the only way to boost your online orders.

To Run a Profitable Takeaway Ordering System for your restaurant business you need to follow the tips listed below

Social Media Marketing:
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram have become the buzz words of Social Media Marketing. Everyone knows to promote business online with the help of Social Media. They’ll instantly quip out words like Facebook Page, Sponsored Posts, promote check-ins. Indeed these are some of the essential features of Social Media Marketing. A new strategy has to be made in order to attract customers.
Making use of the cover photos, GIFs/pictures that directly call to action and focusing on propagating the online food ordering.

Facebook posts, Tweets, and Instagram pictures all explicitly advocating about your takeaway ordering system with some active link that redirects to your website or mobile app. Facebook limiting the reach of posts, you can also leverage in Food Groups to reach out to your target audience.

Email Marketing:
Emails have an ROI of around a whopping 4,300%, making it one of the strongest contenders for online marketing. Promotional emails advocating about your takeaway ordering system services with apt subjects and relevant call-to-action can work wonders.  Make ample use of CRM database and send customized emails to customers to order more online.

You can also add exclusive customer centric discounts or offers. It will make your customers feel loved because a “happy customer is a loyal customer”.

Promotion on Website and App
Your own official website is an extremely resourceful channel to promote your takeaway ordering system facility. Create some catchy GIFs on your landing page can share the latest news about your hottest new venture can surely be the best idea.
  • Make sure that the widget for online takeawayordering system is clearly displayed on your website.
  • Include a clear Call-to-Actions, on your menu page and gallery page to ensure that your customers don’t lose interest.
  • If you have your own takeaway ordering system App, you can also send push notifications to your customers and remind them about their favourite meal is just a click away!

Paid Advertising
A little investment can be never been a disappointment for a long term profit. A few ways you shell out a few pennies to see the pennies manifold.
  • Display advertising: It is that one friend who refuses to leave your side even if you ask them to. Through Digital advertising, customers will get to see images featuring your takeaway ordering system advertisement even when they are not actively searching for your takeaway or even food for that matter. Display ads are PPC (Pay-per-click), you have to pay for the advertisement only if the customer clicks on the picture to be redirected to your takeaway ordering system landing page.
  • Print Media, Television and Radio: It can also be an excellent resource if you have some extra rupees. You can connect with a media/PR agency which helps you to come up with powerful plans and reach out your target audience.
  • Outdoor Advertising such as Billboards advertisements: It is again a viable but heavy-on-the-pocket way to reach out to people.
  •  Digital Printing and Flyers advertising: It can also be used for in-store advertising as well. It is used to reach out to masses via newspapers. Contact with newspaper vendors to get benefits with them, ensuring your flyers are successfully getting attached with the newspapers being sent out.